Uniforms and Tuckshop

​​​​​​Screenshot 2021-12-11 165459.jpgSch​​ool Uniforms at St William's Wear

St William's School prides itself in the choice of uniform for ​​its students. The full, correct uniform must be worn at all times. It is to be worn with pride and respect. We strongly suggest for all items of clothing to be clearly labelled.  ​

Uniform Requirements - All Students UPDATED[22].pdf

Our onsite uniform shop, St Wil​​liam's Wear, offers a variety of new and second hand uniforms. Payment options are: cash, cheque and/or eftpos (no Amex or Diners). Minimum transaction: $10. We also offer an online payment/ordering process called Qkr! (pronounced quicker). ​

Email: stwilliamswear@bne.catholic.edu.au

​​​​​​​​​​​Penola Pantry (tuck​shop)

Our tuckshop, Penola Pantry, offers a wide range of food including healthy options.​ To keep our prices low, we rely on volunteers: if you can pack drinks, make sandwiches, serve ice blocks or wash up - we need your help! See your child's face light up when they come to tuckshop and see your face - it's a fantastic way to meet new people and be part of your child's education.

To place an order, use the Qkr! online ordering syste​​m. Qkr! (pronounced quicker) is a mobile p​​ayments app which enables parents to order and pay for uniform and tuckshop orders directly from their smartphone, tablet or computer. Getting started is easy: Apple smartphones/iPad, Android smartphones, Computers


Apps - use code STWPS; Computers - enter school name St William's Primary School. (Use Web Browser Google Chrome or Firefox only)

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St William's School (2023)