A school is a community of leaders where every individual must accept the responsibility of being a leader and provide service to the community. Perhaps the most important element of communal leadership is to set an example and to be a witness through action to our beliefs and values. These values in a Catholic school must be based on the Gospel values of love, liberation and justice.
Our senior students provide support to our junior students through our Buddy Program. This program helps children entering their first year of primary school to feel safe and connected to the school community, and older students feel valued and respected.
At St William's School, our Year 6 students have the opportunity for Student Leadership in their final year of schooling. Each Semester the students work through an application process for a leadership position and then undertake interviews for the roles available to them. Senior leadership roles include School Captains, Community Captains, Culture Captains and House Captains.
Prep to Year 6 classes also have Class Captains each school term which is decided by a collaborative process. This allows the children to demonstrate leadership skills and increase responsibility.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St William's School (2023)